De-Googling Update 1

I made a resolution for 2020 to be less reliant on Google by the end of the year. This post is an update on where I ended up in that process. Replacements E-mail This one was actually pretty easy as e-mail has increasingly become less important to me over the years, but I ended up paying the $5 a month for FastMail. Absolutely no regrets here, they’re good at importing all your GMail, great Android app with dark mode, better privacy, does everything I need....

November 8, 2020

When Not to Write a Kubernetes Operator

The Kubernetes Operator Pattern has a lot of appeal and I’ve led a team that has written and maintained several over the past three years. We’ve learned a few things in the process and I wanted to write up some thoughts around when you shouldn’t be writing an operator. ...

September 12, 2020 · Devan Goodwin

Becoming Less Reliant on Google: Location, Browser, Search

One of my new year’s resolutions is to be less reliant on Google by this time next year. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, I’m sure many others do as well once we realize what’s involved and why those services are free. However it requires time, maybe in some cases money, and most of all a loss of functionality because there’s no denying Google builds great stuff. In the end I’m generally just complacent and end up accempting the warm embrace of slick free services harvesting every possible detail about me to power advertising....

January 4, 2020