kcp: Kubernetes Without Nodes and Why I Care

Nodes? Where we're going, we don't need.... nodes. (what if kube was just the API that could talk to anything?) prototype and call to ideate at https://t.co/XCv3iCd0rI — Clayton Coleman (@smarterclayton) May 5, 2021 Earlier this week Clayton Coleman presented Kubernetes as the Hybrid Cloud Control Plane as a keynote at KubeCon EU 2021, and revealed the kcp prototype. kcp is exploring re-use of the Kubernetes API at a higher level to orchestrate many different workloads and services across the hybrid cloud....

May 8, 2021

An Introduction to the Kubernetes Operator Pattern (YouTube)

Earlier this year I did a short talk for Halihax, a local technology community, providing an introduction to the Kubernetes operator pattern. This was my first attempt at giving any kind of a talk (outside of demos at work), but hopefully it will prove useful to someone out there.

November 11, 2020

When Not to Write a Kubernetes Operator

The Kubernetes Operator Pattern has a lot of appeal and I’ve led a team that has written and maintained several over the past three years. We’ve learned a few things in the process and I wanted to write up some thoughts around when you shouldn’t be writing an operator. ...

September 12, 2020 · Devan Goodwin

Zero Downtime Upgrades With Openshift Ansible

A large portion of my time on the OpenShift team has been spent working on cluster lifecycle improvements, particularly in the realm of upgrades. Throughout this work we’ve been targeting the ability to upgrade clusters without requiring application downtime. I recently took some time to demonstrate that we can hit that target, please check out the results on the OpenShift Blog: Zero Downtime Upgrades With OpenShift Ansible

December 20, 2016