Diffused Light at Peggy's Cove

An alarming number of my favorite photos come from Peggy’s Cove, frankly I need to find some new locations. However it’s a family favorite for us and on this particular morning there was some nice diffused light from nearby fog. The first composition here is one of my all-time favorites and one I’ve never spotted before. Something about the lines in the image seems to work.

May 29, 2024

Surfers in Mavillette Fog

Found some neat conditions at Nova Scotia’s Mavilette Beach on the cusp of very thick fog, but not fully engulfed. Made for some interesting photos. Fuji’s Classic Neg works nicely on the fog images I think.

March 16, 2024

Sunset Waves at Peggy's Cove

Got word the waves were good and spent a couple hours hiking along the coast at sunset. We probably missed the largest ones throughout the day, but as a tradeoff we got some great sunset light and a little cloud rolling in to help add some interest in the sky.

November 19, 2023

Epic Waves at Peggy's Cove

October 22, 2023

Hurricane Lee Rolling Into Nova Scotia

Post tropical by this point and several hundred kms away from landfall, but Hurricane Lee brought some incredible surf to our area. I’ve never witnessed a sight quite like this.

September 16, 2023

Ocean View

August 21, 2023

An Epic Beach Sunset

While vacationing near the coast, I realized something potentially incredible was developing and made a mad dash to Clam Harbor beach with my camera. I was greeted with the most incredible sunset sidelight and partial dark cloud cover I’ve ever photographed. There was actually a couple here taking their wedding photos, I suspect they came out ok. The halo image is not artifical and actually as photographed, a happy little coincidence I found when I got home....

August 20, 2023