Fedora vs My Hardware

Below is an evolving list of my hardware, it’s problems with various releases of Fedora, and my attempts to fix and/or workaround. Current Hardware Lenovo P1 Gen 3 Lenovo X1 Carbon 6th gen Lenovo Thinkpad T470s I swap laptops through a Lenovo Thunderbolt 3 Dock (model no DBB9003L1) where I run my main monitor, keyboard, and speakers through (via aux). Goal is to be able to switch between work/personal laptops with my same monitor keyboard mouse and speaker setup....

February 18, 2022

kcp: Kubernetes Without Nodes and Why I Care

Nodes? Where we're going, we don't need.... nodes. (what if kube was just the API that could talk to anything?) prototype and call to ideate at https://t.co/XCv3iCd0rI — Clayton Coleman (@smarterclayton) May 5, 2021 Earlier this week Clayton Coleman presented Kubernetes as the Hybrid Cloud Control Plane as a keynote at KubeCon EU 2021, and revealed the kcp prototype. kcp is exploring re-use of the Kubernetes API at a higher level to orchestrate many different workloads and services across the hybrid cloud....

May 8, 2021

An Introduction to the Kubernetes Operator Pattern (YouTube)

Earlier this year I did a short talk for Halihax, a local technology community, providing an introduction to the Kubernetes operator pattern. This was my first attempt at giving any kind of a talk (outside of demos at work), but hopefully it will prove useful to someone out there.

November 11, 2020

De-Googling Update 1

I made a resolution for 2020 to be less reliant on Google by the end of the year. This post is an update on where I ended up in that process. Replacements E-mail This one was actually pretty easy as e-mail has increasingly become less important to me over the years, but I ended up paying the $5 a month for FastMail. Absolutely no regrets here, they’re good at importing all your GMail, great Android app with dark mode, better privacy, does everything I need....

November 8, 2020

Zsh Vi Mode and Command History

I’ve been using zsh for about 15 years but despite this I’ve noticed lately I’m pretty inefficient at editing commands in particular, mostly because I don’t have a clue about emacs keybindings. I am however very familiar with vi bindings but my config was never properly setup for zsh, I couldn’t search history like I could in emacs mode and I’ve been blundering along in this state for too long. (turns out it was just because the bindkey’s were not declared after doing bindkey -v to go to vi mode, oops)...

November 7, 2020

Terminal users, fasd is worth learning

I spent some time recently revamping my zsh setup, something I haven’t really spent any dedicated time with since about 2006. In transitioning to oh my zsh I discovered fasd, a command line productivity booster. Essentially it tracks the files and directories you work with in your terminal, and ranks them by “frecency”, both frequency and recency. You can then reference them with short, usually single character aliases and fuzzy matching....

February 24, 2020 · Devan Goodwin

Becoming Less Reliant on Google: Location, Browser, Search

One of my new year’s resolutions is to be less reliant on Google by this time next year. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, I’m sure many others do as well once we realize what’s involved and why those services are free. However it requires time, maybe in some cases money, and most of all a loss of functionality because there’s no denying Google builds great stuff. In the end I’m generally just complacent and end up accempting the warm embrace of slick free services harvesting every possible detail about me to power advertising....

January 4, 2020