My Road to Apple Silicon and Asahi Linux

I recently realized it’s past time to replace my second hand Core i5 ThinkPad T470s, processor can’t seem to handle modern PackageKit, battery is toast, display and sound are just depressing. After a successful multi-decade career as a software engineer, I reasoned it’s probably ok to get some decent hardware for myself for the first time in my life. I am very drawn to the current MacBooks, Apple silicon looks and sounds amazing....

December 21, 2023

A Month on Mastodon

Elon’s Twitter meltdown and the rise of Mastodon arrived at an unusual time for me. I read Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism this fall and it really resonated with me. I spend too much time on my phone and I have for years, suffering the physical and mental consequences as many of us do. My habits started changing through the pandemic when I realized I just couldn’t take the never ending stream of doom and everyone’s hot takes about it any more....

December 21, 2022

Using and Customizing with Hugo

A quick note on how to use with Hugo, including pipelines and overrides. From my limited experience it looks like overriding bulma variables is essential to getting your site to look the way you want, especially for color. Pull bulma into your project. I did this with npm, you can just download and drop somewhere in your project as well, but you’ll need to adjust a path in the last step....

November 12, 2022

2021 Photography Review

Looking back at my new year’s resolutions for the last decade or so, taking up photography has been on the list virtually every year. I’ve tried in the past, which went ok for a time, but as smartphones ate the world I eventually lost interest in lugging around a camera and drifted away from it. It’s been developing for a few years now, but 2020’s pandemic really helped me realize how much I love to be outdoors, in the woods, on the coast, and in the ocean....

December 28, 2021

kcp: Kubernetes Without Nodes and Why I Care

Nodes? Where we're going, we don't need.... nodes. (what if kube was just the API that could talk to anything?) prototype and call to ideate at — Clayton Coleman (@smarterclayton) May 5, 2021 Earlier this week Clayton Coleman presented Kubernetes as the Hybrid Cloud Control Plane as a keynote at KubeCon EU 2021, and revealed the kcp prototype. kcp is exploring re-use of the Kubernetes API at a higher level to orchestrate many different workloads and services across the hybrid cloud....

May 8, 2021

An Introduction to the Kubernetes Operator Pattern (YouTube)

Earlier this year I did a short talk for Halihax, a local technology community, providing an introduction to the Kubernetes operator pattern. This was my first attempt at giving any kind of a talk (outside of demos at work), but hopefully it will prove useful to someone out there.

November 11, 2020

De-Googling Update 1

I made a resolution for 2020 to be less reliant on Google by the end of the year. This post is an update on where I ended up in that process. Replacements E-mail This one was actually pretty easy as e-mail has increasingly become less important to me over the years, but I ended up paying the $5 a month for FastMail. Absolutely no regrets here, they’re good at importing all your GMail, great Android app with dark mode, better privacy, does everything I need....

November 8, 2020